Beet Juice Pick Me Up!
This made about 3 cups this size… (approximately 12 ounces each ?). Lemon ? would be a nice addition. This is pretty sweet with no fruit (hello beets!!!), but a green apple?would be a nice touch as well.
Servings Prep Time
312 oz 10minutes
Servings Prep Time
312 oz 10minutes
  • 2large cucumbersorganic
  • 6 stalks celeryorganic
  • 2 beetsorganic is super important because beets are one of the top GMO crops
  • 1/4cup cilantroorganic
  • 2handfuls or more spinachorganic
  1. Chop the Veggies
  2. Add them to your Juicer
  3. Enjoy!