No, I am sorry, I don’t have a super pill. Some days I wish I did, especially as the pace of my life can at times seem out of control. Lean in. I want to tell you about a little secret I do know about. I know of a prescription that can heal in many ways. It is this ‘medicine’ I have found for my body, my mind and my spirit. It recharges me. It reconnects me. It clears my head. And it is good for my physical and emotional heart. It is this: Movement.

I feel you. It can be tough to fit more into our already full and busy days. I struggle with my own list of ‘to do’s’, driven by my idea of perfection. But, I am here to tell you this:

For me, I love to run. Outside, and even in the winter. I know, weird. Something about the cool air, Colorado sun and my body heating up that creates the perfect mix. For others, it may be a walk in the park alone or with the kiddos in tow. Rock climbing. Mountain biking. Yoga in a studio. Or on your mat, at home. Crossfit WODs in a ‘box’. Strength training with a buddy or trainer. Or simply dancing freely in your living room to your favorite tunes, with your kids. (Side note, I have found this last one to be highly effective in getting everyone to smile, even on the grumpiest of mornings 😉

The next secret?

Well, I guess it is not much of a secret. We have all heard it and even done it before. I often find most of us know all the right things to do, it is just the challenge of committing the time and staying consistent. I know you can do this. Start today. I have got your back! Commit to yourself, knowing and owning that you deserve that time, even if it’s only 10 minutes in the beginning. It is YOUR time. Stake your claim!

Tips for success:

  • Schedule it. Treat this like you do your doctors appointments, kids soccer practice, carpool, or paying the bills.
  • Commit to it. You would not skip your child’s physical at the start of the school year, would you? Don’t skip out on yourself then.
  • When you finally make the time and are in the act of moving your body, be present and clear your head. I find this easier to do outside, something about natural surroundings that helps me ‘let go’.
  • Hold on to the feeling after it’s done. Log it in your mind and let that draw you in to do it again and again… and again.
  • Share it. Sweat with others, especially if you know it keeps you accountable. I like to do much of this solo because it is also my time for reflection and connection with God. But sometimes you need a partner to stay committed. Partner up then.

Tell me below – What movement do you love to do? Have you done it in a while, consistently? Is it time to recommit? Which of the steps listed above can you take today to reach your goals of adding more movement to your life? Pick one and share your commitment below. Let’s encourage each other here!

Live well,


2 thoughts on “Medicine for Moms

  1. Pingback: Noticing a 'baby bump', postpartum? Check out this 7 minute circuit! - Life Powered By MomLife Powered By Mom

  2. Pingback: A Day Off for Mama | Life Powered by MomLife Powered By Mom

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