Technology is fantastic. Really. I love it. I love the web and all it provides us. I love that I can click ‘post’ and share a message with potentially millions. I value social media and staying ‘connected’ with my friends and family.  I especially love that I can ‘Google’ anything, and get an answer – I don’t recommend this for what ails you, though 😉

Anymore it seems we are all so spread out across different cities, states, and countries, often apart from dear friends and family. We are all so busy, over scheduled and over worked, which is why I am grateful for the ease of technology. And then, I realize that it likely is the very reason I am so busy, over scheduled and over worked.

On the surface, it seems we are all more connected via social media, email, blogs, FaceTime, Skype, you name it.  But are we really connected?  To me, it seems we are more alone then ever. Take a few minutes at a restaurant, coffee shop or really almost anywhere and watch people. We are all so tuned in, plugged in, pulled in, and tapped out… We seem to be missing real opportunities to truly connect. Hey, no judgment here. I, too, am guilty. Often at night, I get pulled into emails and my list in Evernote or Google Keep that I could not get to earlier or Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest. I could fill that time in other ways. I am left feeling exhausted.

I am yearning for something more. Something real, raw, and unedited. Ever notice how we portray perfection on social media and we glorify busy? I do get we are busy, but I also recognize it is a choice.

I was talking with a friend the other day and the point she made struck me. “It seems no one is truly content.” I have caught myself in that space thinking ‘I can’t wait until this happens and then I can finally feel happy or finally do such and such.’ All the discontent keeps the wheels spinning and race forging ahead. But where are we going in this race, and for what?  Big questions, I know.

So what if we start to slow down. Simplify. Digital detoxify. And simply and truly be? Can it even happen? I look at my life with two young boys and the constant-ness of it. It is often hard for me to see the pace ever slowing down. Then, I recall this…

I can make a commitment to live slower, take more deep breaths, fit in less white noise and rat racing to make room for more real connections full of smiles, laughter, movement, nourishment of all kinds. This is a choice and one I feel fortunate to be able to make. So for now, I am choosing my boys and my husband. I am choosing more ‘mom-care’ for me. I am choosing to take some action in our lives to feel less drained and more full.

I crave slow mornings and I am not sure about you, but when I check my email first thing, it starts a frenzy and I feel as if I am putting fires out all day. I may not fully achieve slow mornings at this stage in my life, but I can choose a little less stress by postponing my first email check in until I get to work.

Technology is incredible and I am so grateful for all it provides. My wish is that we can continue to enjoy its benefits, but not let it consume us.

How will you commit to setting the tempo for your family and for your life?  Tell me more in the comments below!

This image is from a trip we took to Snowmass in the Fall of 2012 – it is specifically on Independence Pass. It reminds me to S-L-O-W down, look around and take it all in.

Be still and breathe this in.  Vibrant, colorful aspens on Independence Pass, Colorado.

Be still and breathe this in. Vibrant, colorful Aspens on Independence Pass, Colorado.

Be well,

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